
As I exclusively see clients via telehealth it is important that you take a moment to understand more about how this service works.

Telehealth refers to the use of technology to deliver healthcare services remotely. It involves the use of electronic communication and information technologies, such as video conferencing, email, and secure messaging typically via a patient portal. Telehealth can provide numerous benefits for mental health visits. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Improved access to care: Telehealth can help eliminate many of the barriers to mental health treatment that might otherwise prevent you from seeking help, such as distance, transportation, and mobility issues. With telehealth, you can access mental health care from the comfort of your own home.

  • Greater convenience and flexibility: Telehealth eliminates the need to drive to an office for an in-person appointment. This means greater flexibility with your time and can be beneficial especially for those who often feel anxious leaving their home, or driving to an appointment.

  • Increased privacy and comfort: Many people feel more comfortable discussing sensitive or personal issues in the privacy of their own homes, rather than in a traditional healthcare setting. Telehealth visits can help you feel more at ease and less self-conscious, which can lead to more open and honest communication in our appointments.

  • Reduced costs: Telehealth visits can be less expensive than in-person visits, as they eliminate many of the costs associated with traditional healthcare, such as transportation, fuel, and parking fees.

There are several factors you should consider when engaging in therapy via telehealth. This will ensure that the experience is as comfortable and effective as possible. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Technology requirements: I use a HIPPA compliant telehealth platform through the Reflecting Pool Counseling electronic health record. For your appointment you will need a reliable internet connection, a webcam, and microphone/speakers. Additionally, your camera must be ON for the duration of the appointment (there are no exceptions to this rule).

  • Privacy and confidentiality: Make sure you're in a private location where you won't be overheard or interrupted during the session. Your session time should be respected just like an in-person appointment. Therefore, sessions will not be conducted if you are in a public environment or if there are others in the background such as family members. If you have primary childcare responsibilities, it is recommended that you find assistance with care during your session time so that you are not interrupted by small children.

  • Comfort and preparation: Choose a comfortable location where you can sit or lie down during the session. Prepare any materials or notes you may need beforehand, and make sure you have a glass of water or any other necessary supplies nearby.

  • Technology issues: Sometimes technology fails us through no fault of our own. This may mean that we must pivot our session to telephone or reschedule. We will discuss this further at our first appointment.

Overall, it's important to approach a telehealth visit with the same level of preparation and consideration you would bring to an in-person visit. With a little planning and preparation, a telehealth visit can be a convenient and effective way to receive mental health care.