Frequently Asked Questions

  • Mental health therapy can be extremely beneficial for women and can help to overcome a variety of challenges. Some ways that therapy can help include: addressing and resolving past traumas, improving self-esteem and confidence, managing and reducing stress and anxiety, improving relationships, addressing body issues, managing mental health conditions, and promoting overall well-being.

  • My practice is dedicated to working only with women so that we may explore together the specific challenges that we face in today’s modern world. I specialize in women’s obesity, emotional eating, binge eating, body dysmorphia, anxiety, and stress management in particular. Self compassion and self love as well as rest and restoration are also topics of focus in our sessions. The person you meet is the person I am. I don’t believe in pretending to be someone I am not, pretending to know all the answers, or to act like the expert on life. Authenticity is important to me and I will always be honest, supportive, empathetic, and ethical in our professional relationship.

  • If you haven’t already, you might want to read the “individual therapy” and “group therapy” pages which address some of the benefits and detractions of each type of therapy. Ultimately, you will decide which format you like better. Some people like to start out with group from a financial perspective alone before investing in individual therapy. We can discuss further in our consultation if you wish!

  • Self-pay is where you choose to pay out of pocket and do not use insurance. Payment is accepted in the form of credit card or health savings account. Insurance pay is where you use your insurance benefits with an insurer that I am in-network with, and you only pay me the co-pay as your insurance will pay me the rest of my fee. Out-of-network reimbursement is where you pay me my full self-pay fee because I do not take your insurance, but I provide you with a “superbill” or official receipt that you can use to submit to your insurance in an effort to be reimbursed for the expense.

  • Most people are unaware that if they use their insurance to pay for their mental health visits, I as the health provider am required to submit a “diagnosis code” as well as official notes and documentation to the insurer. This is no different than a visit with your doctors office. While every effort is made to keep confidential discussions confidential, and notes very generalized, insurance has access to them none-the-less. Some people feel uncomfortable with this and choose to self-pay so that we do not have to assign a “diagnosis” to their treatment, or send our documentation to their insurer. I am happy to discuss this further if you plan on paying with insurance and have concerns.

  • Insurance can be substantially cheaper than self-pay as you are typically only paying the co-payment or co-insurance amount that your insurance requires. The remainder of my session fee is paid by your insurer. Be aware that if you use insurance, a “diagnosis” code and documentation notes must be sent to your insurance carrier after each session as required by law. Additionally, some insurances cap the number of session you can see a mental health therapist each year. You should check with your insurer to be sure you understand your benefits before beginning with a mental health therapist.

  • Out-of-network reimbursement is based on each individual insurance. Some accept “superbills” or official receipts and will reimburse you a certain amount (set by the insurer and does not always match my self-pay fee) and some insurers do not accept superbills and will not reimburse because they want you to use a contracted therapist. I unfortunately have no control over this. The insurance game is complicated at best. If I do not take your insurance and you would like to see if your insurance would reimburse you for my fee, please contact them and ask what their out-of-network mental health benefits are.

  • A superbill is an insurance accepted receipt for services received. Superbills allow you to pay me my self-pay fee, and submit a superbill receipt to your insurance to request reimbursement. Every insurance is different and not all accept superbills. Some will only pay a flat rate that may be less than or equal to my private pay rate, and some do not accept superbills at all. It is STRONGLY suggested that you contact your insurance to ask about whether or not they will accept a superbill from me if you are out-of-network and how much they will reimburse you. You must pay for services via a self-pay method and then you can submit the bill to your insurance. Please note that as a provider I am not responsible for any insurance that will not reimburse you. Please, please check your benefits prior to our first meeting!

  • The best way to contact me is to schedule a free 15 minute consultation through this website. This is in essence a free telehealth conversation so that we can meet and briefly discuss your needs. There is no commitment and I will not disclose or sell your contact information.

  • There is no commitment to start therapy with me after your initial 15 minute free consultation. If you decide that you would like to move forward in working with me, you will be set up with a health portal (just like your doctors office) where I will send you onboarding documents to sign. Everything is done electronically, and I will be happy to go over the process at the time of our consultation.