Group Therapy Services

Group therapy offers many benefits, such as:

Cost Effective: Groups are often less expensive than individual therapy, making it more accessible for those who are not interested in, or may not be able to afford one-on-one therapy sessions. For example, most therapists charge anywhere from $125-200 for a single 50 minute individual self-pay session. By comparison, groups are usually anywhere from $50-100 for a one to two hour session. That is quite a savings difference!

Less Intense: Some individuals may feel overwhelmed or intimidated by the intensity of individual therapy. Group therapy can provide a less intense environment for those who may be apprehensive about therapy or prefer a more casual setting.

Support and Social Connection: Groups offer support and connection with others who are experiencing similar challenges. Group therapy can provide a sense of community and help you feel less isolated in your struggles.

Perspective and Feedback: Groups can offer a range of perspectives and insights from other group members. It can help you see problems in a different light, and provide you new and different ideas for problem solving.

Skill Building: Groups can provide a platform for you to practice and develop skills such as coping strategies, insight and awareness, and emotional regulation skills. It also allows you to support someone else by sharing what works for you.

Upcoming Groups

Overeating, Emotional Eating, and Binge Eating psychoeducational group

10 weeks for one and one half hours (Virtual via Zoom)

Cost: $45 per session (Insurance option coming in 2025!)

This group will serve as an introductory group to the topic of overeating, emotional eating, and binge eating. Emotional eating is a behavior in which we often turn to food to cope with difficult emotions, such as stress, anxiety, boredom, or sadness, rather than eating to satisfy physical hunger. It is using food when we often feel unsafe, uncomfortable, or upset in order to comfort ourselves. Binge eating and overeating is very much aligned with emotional eating and is where we eat too much in a single sitting in an attempt to emotionally numb ourselves with food. These types of eating patterns can make you feel shame, guilt, embarrassment, and out of control. It can also over time, create a higher weight or obese body. This is NOT a class on nutrition. Instead, we will be talking about the connection between emotions and food, the cycle of emotional eating, identifying our emotional triggers, how to replace our current coping mechanism of eating with healthier coping skills, and how we continue to move forward with this work. This group is both psychoeducational and supportive in nature, which means that I will be discussing and teaching a different component of this topic each week, and we will also have time for a brief discussion as a group. You will be provided with materials and resources to engage with outside of the group to further your understanding and insight. These are resources for you, and can be engaged with at your own pace (no graded homework here!). There must be a minimum of 4 participants for a group to make. Please submit your information under the ‘schedule a consultation’ button so we can have a quick 15 minute meeting to ensure this group is a good fit for you!

*Please note you must attend this group first if you wish to later join the ongoing Overeating, Emotional Eating, and Binge Eating support group

Overeating, Emotional Eating, and Binge Eating support group

Ongoing for 1 hour weekly (Virtual)

This is an open support group that focuses on participants meeting in a virtual setting for ongoing help and support. You must have attended the above educational group prior to being admitted to the support group. This allows participants to share, gain perspective and feedback from others, and to exchange ideas with others who have similar difficulties with their emotional relationship to food.

Upcoming dates TBD

*Please note you must attend the educational group first if you wish to later join the ongoing Overeating, Emotional Eating, and Binge Eating support group

Anxiety and Panic educational group

8 Weeks for 1 and 1/2 hour (Virtual)

Let's face it, sometimes the world feels like it is on fire. With each news headline, school shooting, threat of war, financial instability, relationship problem, or that person who cut you off in traffic, we can feel ourselves spiraling out of control with anxiety. When our anxiety becomes out of control sometimes panic attacks also occur. This introductory psychoeducational and support group discusses how anxiety is actually our body's warning system, why we need it, and how to not let it dictate our life. We will also learn about the “panic spiral” and how to take control of our rising panic and implement healthy coping mechanisms. This group is appropriate for anyone who suffers with any type of anxiety, from chronic worrier, to social anxiety, health anxiety, and generalized anxiety with or without panic attacks.

Upcoming dates TBD

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for beginners

9 Weeks for 1 and 1/2 hour (Virtual)

Mindfulness has become a buzz word lately and seems to be everywhere. What is it REALLY all about and how can it help you with your stress? In this psychoeducational and interactive group, we will learn about the concept of mindfulness and learn to apply it to our daily lives, with a specific focus on relieving and tuning in to our stress. We will learn how to not judge our stress and emotions as negative or positive, and tune into our body's alarm system. This group is based off of the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn and Dave Potter, and teaches mindfulness skills related primarily to stress reduction. This group more than any other I offer has daily/weekly work outside of the group. This includes a daily practice, journaling, and suggested (though not required) reading and video watching. This is a very interactive group where we are skill building. Please take this outside activity time into consideration when thinking about joining this group. You do not need to have any previous knowledge to join this group as this is intended to be for beginners.

Upcoming dates TBD